Eugene Hermanus

National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Chief Engineer Officer STCW’95 A-III/2

Associate of South African Institute of Marine Engineers and Naval Architects

Eugene is responsible for providing marine engineering as well as salvage consultancy to the group, this includes attendance for marine salvage and wreck removal projects.

Eugene also provides support to marine underwriters for hull and machinery claims, he is able to undertake detailed surveys of marine equipment and machinery as well as investigations relating to mechanical damage.

As Chief Engineer, Eugene worked on various anchor handling tug supply vessels (AHTS), including DP2 vessels ranging from 7,000 to 18,000 BHP. Work undertaken included pre-laying of 22 tonne anchors in deep water, anchor handling for pipe laying barges and static towing of FPSO’s as well as general offshore anchor handling and towing operations for offshore projects.

Eugene also sailed as Chief Engineer on DP2 Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) with 690V General Electric and ABB diesel electric propulsion systems driving azimuth thrusters.

Marine Engineer & Salvage Consultant
South Africa
+27 (0) 83 269 3446
+65 6221 8568