Mark Ball

Mark is a senior maritime civil engineer who specialises in providing consultancy services to P&I Clubs, insurers, lawyers, ship owners and managers, port and terminal owners and operators.

Mark’s principal activities concern the inspection of damages to maritime and marine structures and mechanical handling equipment on a worldwide basis.  He provides advice on causation, the nature and extent of damage, methods of repair and quantum, review of business interruption and loss of use together with providing engineering expertise including liaison with contractors and co-ordination of repairs works. 

In addition to the investigation of damages to ports and harbours Mark has extensive experience of investigation of storm and other damages to marinas worldwide.

Mark has specialist experience in unsafe port and berth investigations and has prepared expert reports in respect of unsafe ports and berths for High Court and Arbitration proceedings and has given expert evidence in the High Court in London, the Appeal Court in Bergen, Norway and High Court in Cape Town, South Africa.

Mark also has specialist experience in seabed remediation following vessel groundings and wreck removals including preparation of the ITT, selection of contractors, contract negotiation and management and supervision of the works.

Since 2001, Mark has worked for international marine consultancies in senior positions. Prior to that, he gained more than a decade of specialist experience in the design and construction of major international multi-disciplinary projects such as ports and harbours, tank farms, oil import and export facilities, marinas, immersed tube road tunnels. Those operations also included design, site supervision and management.

His experience includes:

  • Property and business interruption claims
  • Suspended deck quays and jetties
  • Mooring and berthing dolphins – rigid and flexible, multi or single (mono) pile
  • Fenders, bollards and mechanical mooring equipment
  • Sea and river walls – steel sheet piles, blockwork, concrete caissons
  • Breakwaters – solid, rubble mound, caisson
  • Pipelines
  • Pipe-racks
  • Quayside Loading / Unloading and Mechanical Handling Equipment
  • Marine Loading Arms
  • Ship to shore cranes
  • Shiploaders and Conveyors
  • Single Point and Conventional Buoy Moorings (SPM and CBM)
  • Bridges, Ro-Ro Ramps and Linkspans
  • Locks and Lock Gates
  • Marina Damage involving Pontoons, catenary moorings, mooring piles, bridges, lock gates

Mark Ball’s services are provided by Integra Technical Services Limited.

Consultant Maritime Civil Engineer
+44 (0) 7384 110567
+44 (0) 20 3794 3076