Marine Technology Trust Event: 30 SEPTEMBER, LONDON

The Marine Technology Trust, in partnership with Maritime London and Trinity House, would like to invite you to attend the “Technology Skills for the Future of the UK Maritime Industry” event, to be held on Monday, 30 September 2-7pm at Trinity House.

Technology Skills for the Future of the UK Maritime Industry

The event, consisting of a seminar and an evening drinks reception, will celebrate the Marine Technology Trust, a charity that was set out to foster and encourage new and emerging talent by providing opportunities for education, training and research to young people in the field of marine technology.

The discussion will focus on what technology solutions are available for the marine industry on its journey towards net-zero and how they could be delivered, what skills will be required and how best to foster and encourage new and emerging talent in the marine technology sector.

While recognising existing supporters and donors, the Marine Technology Trust is looking to connect with senior personnel at maritime companies who may be able to assist with providing industrial placements for students.

This event is free to attend and by invitation only. If you would like to attend, please register your interest using the provided link, we’ll be in touch to confirm your attendance. If you have a query, please email

More on The Marine Technology Trust:

For the past 30 years, The Marine Technology Trust, a charity registered with The Charity Commission, has been making awards to students who are studying naval architecture, marine engineering, ship science, offshore renewables, autonomous vessels and boat building in the form of financial awards. These fund industrial training opportunities in the marine industries via summer internships.

The Marine Technology Trust’s key statistics:

  • Since 2005, 67 companies and organisations in the marine sector have accommodated students on placements funded by the Marine Technology Trust
  • £90,450 total grants made
  • 194 awards including prizes and support of Young Engineers for Britain schemes since 1993
  • The Trust works with five educational establishments, namely Plymouth, Southampton, Strathclyde and Newcastle universities and the International Boatbuilding Training College.


1400-1430 Registration & Refreshments on Arrival
1430-1445 Welcome & Introduction to The Marine Technology Trust
1445-1500 Keynote Address
1500-1600 Panel Discussion 1: Marine Technology Solutions for the Net Zero World: How to Deliver Them
1600-1620 Refreshments Break
1620-1720 Panel Discussion 2: Marine Technology Skills Required for an Industry in Transition
1720-1730 Closing Remarks
1730-1900 Networking Reception


Trinity House, EC3N 4DH

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